Motivation, Testimony, Words of Encouragement Wednesday

Words of Encouragement Wednesday ~ The Journey

You may have noticed that I have changed the look of my blog just a bit lately. I’d like to take just a minute to tell you why.

I’ve spent the last couple of months reflecting on my first year as a Trim Healthy Mama Lifestyle Coach. It has been such a pleasure for me, and such a great learning opportunity as well.

I’ve been teaching people the THM plan for 6 years now. Last year, when I decided to take the leap and become a certified coach, I had this big broad vision in my mind. But lately I have been focusing in on the journey. I have always had it in mind (it is part of my business title after all) but it has been becoming more central in my mind.

And that is why I wanted the look of my site to reflect my focus. My daughter found the picture that you see in my header now and I thought it was a perfect pictoral description of my focus as a coach. This lifestyle is just that: a LIFESTYLE. It is not a diet. It is not a sprint to a goal. There is nothing fast and furious in this approach to health. It is a JOURNEY. And as you know, most journeys don’t take a straight path. The path meanders, it winds around, sometimes, it actually winds back around on itself and you feel like you are going backwards! But all these twists and turns are for a purpose. Each bit of struggle, each hill and valley, makes you stronger for the next portion of your journey. Each twist and turn has something for you to learn.

Take a good look at that path through the mountains you see in my header picture. Could you get through the valley faster if your path lead straight on? Sure; but you’d miss a whole lot along the way. Sometimes faster doesn’t equal better. We know that, we really do. We’ve heard of lottery winners who’ve had to declare bankruptcy just years later. We’ve heard of people who’ve lost lots of weight really quickly, only to put it back on with a little extra to boot. We know in our own lives we’ve gotten gifts we thought we wanted desparately only to discard and forget about them within a few months. But those things that we work for. The things that take time and discipline to acheive, those are the things we value and maintain over time.

Are you enjoying your journey? Are you learning from the twists and turns? Don’t despise the slower portions of your journey. Sometimes those curves that seem to slow us down are just preparing us for the next portion of our journey. Keep your focus on why you are doing what you do. You are choosing health and wholeness. You aren’t “dieting”, you are choosing health. You are not depriving yourself to reach a false goal quickly, you are nourishing yourself to gain health that will bless you for your entire lifetime. Don’t despise the journey, EMBRACE IT!

Have you ever considered getting a coach to help you on your journey but you aren’t sure what a coach could do for you? Contact me for a free consultation. I can explain to you how I would help you with no strings attached.

Motivation, Testimony

You Are MORE Than A Number

How does the image above make you feel?

Does it make you happy? Sad? Slightly panicky? Angry? We have an unhealthy obsession with this little machine in the US. We have been sold the story that the number it tells us should define us. But you know what? This little machine does not tell the truth! At least, it does not tell us the whole truth!

This morning I got an e-mail from a client. She had not weighed for the entire month of May. She rocked her eating plan, leaving behind sugar and heavily processed foods and nourishing her body with healthy foods. She told me throughout the month how much better she was feeling. She was experiencing greater energy, less achiness and joint pain, and her clothes were getting looser! When she got on the scale this morning the it told her she had gained 3 pounds. Needless to say, she was frustrated!

I reminded her of all the progress she had made in the past month and told her not to let it get her down. 15 minutes later I got another e-mail. She had measured and found that she had lost 3 inches in her waist and 1 inch in her hips! Regardless of what the scale told her, she is shrinking!

I went an entire year once without losing a single pound. I ate right, seriously no cheating, for a whole year and didn’t lose a pound. In fact, at the end of that year I weighed 5 pounds more than I did when I started. So what kept me going when the scale wasn’t cooperating? Because the scale wasn’t telling me the whole story. My body was shrinking. I lost a few sizes in that year and my energy went up. My skin, hair and nails improved and my overall health improved.

So please, please, whatever you do, don’t base your sense of accomplishment on the scale! It does not tell the whole story. Take pictures (be sure they are easy to replicate along the way). Take measurements. Keep track of all the ways you are experiencing victories on your healthy journey. You are so much more than a number! Don’t let that number define you!

E-zine, Motivation, THM

Spring E-Zine

Are you signed up to get the THM E-Zine? If not you need to sign up today so you will never miss an announcement and you will be blessed by lots of encouraging articles and fantastic recipes! Here is a link to the latest issue! Click on the picture below:

Have you ever considered getting a coach to help you on your journey but you aren’t sure what a coach could do for you? Contact me for a free consultation. I can explain to you how I would help you with no strings attached.

Motivation, Testimony

I Am Not On A Diet

I am not on a diet. I get asked often if I am, but I am not.

Diets are temporary. Diets are restrictive. Diets make you feel like you are missing out. Diets leave out whole food groups. Diets do something to you mentally, making you want to run out and eat every single thing you see. None of those things are true of the way I eat.

I have made choices when it comes to food. I have chosen to eat foods that are nourishing to my body and my mind. I have chosen to not neglect any food group that God created and called good. I have chosen to learn how to eat those foods in ways that are helping me lose weight. I have chosen to learn how to eat those foods in ways that give me the most benefit.

I have also chosen to enjoy food. I celebrate eating well. I celebrate eating foods that taste good. I enjoy sweet treats and desserts. I enjoy celebratory feasts. And I enjoy lightening things up.

Eating in misery is not sustainable for life. Restricting whole food groups is not sustainable for life. Eating tiny portions is not sustainable for life. And doing these things; eating in such a way that I know I can’t sustain, does not teach me how to eat for life. It sets me up to fail.

So I have chosen for life. There are faster ways to lose weight, sure. But there are no faster routes to total, life-long healthy living. There are no short-cuts, just daily choices. So I chose not to diet! How about you?

Have you ever considered getting a coach to help you on your journey but you aren’t sure what a coach could do for you? Contact me for a free consultation. I can explain to you how I would help you with no strings attached.

Motivation, Testimony

It’s The “30 Pounds Down” Celebration!

Friday Face-off

Some journeys are quick and easy, some are slower and they take effort. That is the story of my last 10 pounds! The first 20 came off pretty quickly, but this last 10 has been stubborn. Actually, the last ONE was stubborn! I got to within a pound of my 30 pound goal over a MONTH ago! I have just been fluctuating around that weight since then. But the scale finally moved again! But you know what? Even though the scale has been stubborn this past month other things have been going in the right direction. This past month has led to more energy, less low-back and knee pain, and just a general feeling of well-being. And slow and steady weight-loss tends to stay off. So I am going to take today to celebrate this 10-pound milestone!

The last 10 pounds don’t show super dramatic changes, but they are there. A note to all of you. Take pictures, they tell the tale better than the scale. And do your best to take “easy to replicate” beginning pictures. I didn’t take mine, I found them, so I have been trying to duplicate the same “stance” in each. It isn’t easy!! Make it easy on yourself! 🙂

Have you ever considered getting a coach to help you on your journey but you aren’t sure what a coach could do for you? Contact me for a free consultation. I can explain to you how I would help you with no strings attached.